Emergency Preparedness

News alert! There is a deadly virus that is bringing people back to life!!! The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us!!! What do we do? We throw our hands up in the air and run around in circles screaming!!!!!

The dramatization above is what so many in our society have been planning for, some even dreaming about, and others praying for. What are we talking about? Well if you can’t guess, we have come to call this emergency preparedness, or “prepping.” In our mind it should be called Emergency Management. Emergency Management is exactly what the name implies, it is management of an emergency. Believe it or not, prepping is just one piece of the process needed to manage any and ALL emergencies. With proper management you will know the what, when, where, why, and how of any hazard you face. We will walk down this path together and shed light on the other processes needed to make it through.

So what is this thing Emergency Management?  By definition it is an All Hazards approach to whatever hazards come your way. An All Hazards approach means that we approach every hazard in the same way, we manage the hazards differently according to the event but use the same processes in all. We break them down into four categories and challenge you to find an emergency that doesn’t fit into these four:

Technological Events

The great thing about Emergency Management is that no matter what is coming, using an All Hazards approach, I will have a plan in place that will see me through. Specifically, the four phases of Emergency Management and the associated training and/or assessments we offer:


  • On Site Inspections to see what can be done ahead of time help lessen the effects of disaster.
  • Hazard and Vulnerability Assessments (HVA) personalized for you or your company at your location.


Solid procedure and policies in place is a critical asset to any individual or organization, we can help write them for you.

  • We will take your HVA and taylor the plans for you to keep continuity of operations during a disaster.
  • Development of a continuity of operations.
  • Exercises are the best way to see what you know and how you do it, we follow the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and will do all the work for you in exercise development. By following HSEEP guidelines it potentially allows you to attach federal dollars for reimbursement of the exercise cost.
  • Training is another place we can make your life easier. We have 12 years of experience and qualifications instructing others on:

— Evacuation: Manual carries, ParaSlydes, Ropes, Staging
— Decontamination: Hot Zone
— Medical: CPR, First Aid
— Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
— Critical Incident Stress Management
— National Incident Management System
— Fire Safety Training


We can evaluate your response and help with an After Action Report that will let you know what you need to develop and improve on for the next disaster.


We can help with debris management, logistics, and staging of your resources and assets allowing for a smoother transition back to normal operations.

We would be happy to instruct you on how to manage all types of Hazards. We also have classes designed to instruct you on how the same basic concerns in outdoor survival apply to an all hazards approach in emergency management. Contact us for scheduling and classes.